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 Rule Breakers.

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Posts : 34
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Join date : 2011-07-09

Rule Breakers. Empty
PostSubject: Rule Breakers.   Rule Breakers. EmptyFri Jul 22, 2011 1:37 am

Hack i need you to look at the Chat logs between 12:30 am and 1:45 am today.
Krazy is just breaking rules left and right and it making it worse having to keep calling him out on it and making things more awkward then they have to be. not only is it annoying to deal with but i don't even think he or griffin read the rules of the server. Griffin tried to kill me put me down to 1 heart and i was able to home out of there then i come back i kill him after i heal and he start raging me i owe him diamond swords and picks and stack of obsidian. then says about after 5-10 minutes of raging he didn't have anything on him. somethings gotta be done because krazy keeping saying sorry and keeps doing it.
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Rule Breakers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rule Breakers.   Rule Breakers. EmptyFri Jul 22, 2011 1:40 am

yes hack, please look at the chat log, i know i didnt do anything wrong, so i should not be concerned of this.
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Posts : 34
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Rule Breakers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rule Breakers.   Rule Breakers. EmptyFri Jul 22, 2011 1:44 am

you broke the 5th rule. this keep happening with you.
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Rule Breakers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rule Breakers.   Rule Breakers. EmptyFri Jul 22, 2011 8:57 am

This is beginning to piss me off, how much do you think i enjoy reading thru logs everyday.

This fighting can not continue regardless of rules being broken or not its making for an unconformable environment for other to play in.
I'm going to read the log but many of the times i can not see what others actions are so I would be guessing as to who started it and frankly i don't care all that much as i don't want to babysit people.

Someone is very close to being banned I'm just not sure who that person is yet.
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Rule Breakers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rule Breakers.   Rule Breakers. EmptyFri Jul 22, 2011 9:41 am

This is going to be my last word on this problem then im going to just start banning people. I can see that the others who have played on this server since forever are also getting tired of the drama and it is beginning to make them uncomfortable and my devotion is to them as they started this server with me.

1. Krazy if you want to have a private conversations then use a private means to do it. it is a public chat and people will see reply and get offended by anything you might say.

2. Grimm many things will offend many people as i don't agree with how Krazy used the word Faggot I understand that this word has turned into a mainstream derogatory term that is often abused but doesn't necessarily mean the person is anti-gay. Case in point is i know many gay people that use it in the same manner.

3. Everyone should be careful what they say on the chat, i don't want to censor people either but be respectful.

4. From what i read from the chat Griffin attacked Grimm then Grimm killed him. Griffin seems to be causing a lot of problems so if i see one more issue with griffin he will be banned without further discussion.

5. I'm the kind of guy who HATES drama and HATES problems as i have enough real problems in real life and doesn't need my hobbies to turn into a source of stress. So those that know me know all too well that i would rather ban the whole lot of you and be done with this issue to continue one more day of having to deal with it. Wont loose any sleep on it.
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Posts : 84
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Join date : 2011-06-02

Rule Breakers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rule Breakers.   Rule Breakers. EmptyFri Jul 22, 2011 9:49 am

Thank you Hack, I know what I did wrong and will be sure to never do it again.
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Rule Breakers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rule Breakers.   Rule Breakers. EmptyFri Jul 22, 2011 10:19 am

My say on this is that grimm is a good person and has done alot to help with this server and I would hate to see him banned and I also like koala but griffin can get annoying at times but I think that we all just need to get along with each other as its 1 thing that's makes the server fun for me.
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Posts : 34
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Join date : 2011-07-09

Rule Breakers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rule Breakers.   Rule Breakers. EmptyFri Jul 22, 2011 11:19 am

Thank you for reading the chat logs hack and I'm sorry it has to resort to this kind of maintenance to keep a peaceful server. Hopefully it stops here.
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Posts : 51
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Rule Breakers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rule Breakers.   Rule Breakers. EmptyFri Jul 22, 2011 11:22 am

The bottom line is this:

The Drama needs to stop, i come to this server to play and have fun.....i have enough real life drama to deal with as hack said...we play to relax not to babysit,

the effect from things like this will be more police stuff from us...more bans/tempbans etc.

the climate on the server will change if this continues, so think before u act/type.
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Posts : 35
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Rule Breakers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rule Breakers.   Rule Breakers. EmptyFri Jul 22, 2011 12:01 pm

oockiz wrote:
The bottom line is this:

The Drama needs to stop, i come to this server to play and have fun.....i have enough real life drama to deal with as hack said...we play to relax not to babysit,

the effect from things like this will be more police stuff from us...more bans/tempbans etc.

the climate on the server will change if this continues, so think before u act/type.

We arnt here just to solve your problems if you have problems with each other find a different place to sort it out.
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Rule Breakers. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rule Breakers.   Rule Breakers. Empty

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